Free Accounting and Bookkeeping Help
The objective of this free basic bookkeeping and accounting help site is to aid students, owners, managers, and anyone needing or wanting to learn about accounting and bookkeeping. Finding good accounting and bookkeeping training, help, and assistance can be quite a task.
To quickly determine if my bookkeeping training site might be useful - Take The Video Tour
Types Of Accounting Help & Guidance Provided:
- Accounting & Bookkeeping Courses & Training
- Accounting & Bookkeeping Tests
- Bookkeeping Skills Testing
- Accounting & Bookkeeping Lectures
- Accounting Glossary
- Job Searches
- School Searches
Why Accounting ?
Accounting is essential to the success of any business or organization.
Accounting is the art of analyzing, recording, summarizing, reporting, reviewing, and interpreting financial information.
Bookkeeping is one of the components of accounting. Think of accounting as the mom and bookkeeping as one of her children. Bookkeeping is the process of recording and classifying business or personal financial transactions transactions into a usable form that provides financial information about a business or individual.
Why would you want to study and learn bookkeeping and accounting and keep up to date financial records anyway ? Can't you hire an accountant to come after the end of the year and get your checkbook and shoe box and do your taxes ? Sure you can ! And yes you will have adequately fulfilled your taxpayer obligations. But in order to run a business and know what, where, and when to take corrective actions requires accounting information. How do you get and where do you find this financial information ? You don't if you don't keep accurate and current records about your business financial activities (bookkeeping).
Most, if not all of us, hate keeping records; but, the days of operating a business by the seat of our pants have long gone.
Of course owners do; but, others are also interested in a business's accounting information and reports. Users are normally classified as internal and external. Internal users are owners, managers, and employees. External users include banks, customers, suppliers, regulatory agencies, and taxing agencies.
Why This Site ?
Bookkeepers or anyone can update their skills or learn the basics of accounting and bookkeeping by pursuing free online accounting and bookkeeping courses. Ranging from beginning to advanced courses of accounting, the Internet offers many sources for completing a free accounting or bookkeeping course. There are even colleges and universities that now offer free recorded accounting lectures, notes, and class videos.
I've tried to provide you with links to some excellent free accounting and bookkeeping training. Hopefully, by being selective and providing quality links to accounting and bookkeeping tutorials, books, courses, and lectures, you won't have to waste your time searching for accounting and bookkeeping help.
If you want to learn the basics of accounting and bookkeeping or actually learn how to do double entry bookkeeping you have found the right site.
Since I offer my own free bookkeeping and accounting courses on my own bookkeeping tutorial site Bean Counter, why would I recommend someone elses ? My answer is made up of three reasons.
• Different teachers or instructors use different methods and techniques for presenting accounting learning materials.
What a student might not grasp or understand from one teacher, they might easily grasp from another.
• There are other excellent accounting and bookkeeping training resources besides my own.
• Lastly, repetition. The more times you're exposed to something, the more likely it's going to sink in.
Free Accounting Resources
I've divided the accounting resources into categories to help you choose the accounting and bookkeeping help you're interested in. Topics covered include financial statements, cash and accrual, accounting equation, accounting terms, general ledger, special journals, chart of accounts, types of accounts, debits and credits, inventory, payroll, and other accounting and bookkeeping topics.
- Free Accounting & Bookkeeping Training
A "Top Shelf" Course with videos and textbooks included is Learn Accounting For Free. The Introduction to Accounting: The Language of Business is the premiere introductory accounting course in the world. Used at the #1 accounting university in the world (as rated by the London Financial Times), it is the finest accounting instruction ever produced.
In a nutshell, my site Bean Counter is primarily an educational and information site that offers free bookkeeping and accounting tutorials, courses, tests, quizzes, and games. If you need to brush up and review your accounting and bookkeeping knowlege and skills check out my free Bookkeeping Tutorials.
Many of these courses and lessons focus more on the how to do it such as how to prepare financial statements.
Free accounting and bookkeeping courses, many with a certificate of completion.
Online and ebook versions of accounting textbooks for those wanting handy reference books.
Accounting and Bookkeeping Lectures, many provided by college professors.
Free videos and tutorials explaining how to properly use QuickBooks.
- Bookkeeping Skills Tests
Those that want to see what they already know about accounting and bookkeeping need to try out my Accounting Skills Tests.
- Baldy's Barber Shop Bookkeeping Practice Set
An accounting and bookkeeping practice set is the best way for students to learn the practical skills essential to accounting by completing a one month accounting cycle for a fictional business.
Baldy’s Barber Shop bookkeeping practice set course was made to provide the accounting and bookkeeping student with an overview of how the manual concepts taught in an introductory accounting course can be applied to a manual and computerized accounting system. In addition, the practice set illustrates the benefits of using a computerized accounting and bookkeeping system.
- My Accounting & Bookkeeping Lectures
These free bookkeeping and accounting video lectures and presentations help to reinforce your knowledge and understanding of beginning bookkeeping and accounting topics.
- Accounting Glossary
What Do You Know About Accounting Terminology ? A glossary of accounting and bookkeeping terms is provided to aid you in understanding accounting terminology. In addition, a test is provided to test your knowledge of accounting terms.
Accounting Glossary and terms test.
- Thinking About A Career in Bookkeeping and Accounting ?
- Accounting and Bookkeeping Jobs
Needing help for a special project ? Check out Freelancer's Experts.
- Support My Sites
If you benefited from my bookkeeping help site, consider supporting my site by purchasing my accounting courses. You win by getting an excellent beginning accounting and bookkeeping reference and I win by getting funds to help support developing additional bookkeeping tutorials and tests. Support My Sites
- Useful Accounting and Business Products & Services
Keep your business going in the right direction ! Take a moment and check if any of these services or products might help solve any of your problems. Recommended Business Services & Products
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The information provided on this site is not intended to provide or be a substitute for specific individualized accounting, tax, legal, business, or investment planning advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, Bean Counter recommends consultation with a qualified tax advisor, CPA, Financial Planner or Investment Manager. The information provided herein is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation, personalized investment advice or an endorsement by Bean Counter. The information presented is obtained from what are considered reliable sources; however, its accuracy, completeness or reliability cannot be guaranteed and therefore should not be relied upon as such. Bean Counter accepts no liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.
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